
Sickle Cell Disease
What is Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)?
Sickle haemoglobin (HbS) also known as the Sickle Cell Disease is a first life threatening molecular disease known to man and a hereditary blood disorder.
It can be treated and managed effectively to enable people suffering from SCD lead better and longer lives. New treatments available are either too expensive (such as blood and marrow stem cell transplant) or cause severe side-effects (such as Hydroxyurea); in both situations posing a huge risk to the life of the patient. It is a disease which affects the haemoglobin inside our Red Blood Cells (RBCs), thereby adversely affecting the oxygen supply to the different parts of our body and hence our day-to-day life.
In SCD the RBCs become sickle or crescent shaped which are stiff & sticky and tend to block the blood flow in small capillaries. Blocked blood flow leads to ischaemia leading to severe pain and gradual damage to organs.

A chronic disease SCD has NO CURE!
However, it can be treated and managed effectively to enable people suffering from SCD lead better and longer lives.
New treatments available are either too expensive (such as blood and marrow stem cell transplant) or cause severe side-effects
SCD is a blood disorder which makes life a struggle for the patient. There are various issues which come in the life of a sickle cell anemia patient, which tends to be shorter than others.
The only way to effectively manage patients suffering from Sickel Cell Disease is by preventing painful strokes and crisis by administering Sailin-HbS TM orally every day.

Sailin-HbS™ is a Phytoceutical elixir for the Prophylactic Effective Management of Sickle Cell Disease. It is an aqueous alkaline cold extract of five plants, mixed in defined proportions (as per Master Formula). The cold extract is vacuum dried and encapsulated for oral use.

Sailin-HbS™ is hygroscopic, soluble in water and has a pungent odour. The product is a poly-herbal for- mulation containing not only plant extracts but several beneficial chemicals (aldehydes) as well which have been identified to have anti-sickling effects.
100% SAFE & EFFECTIVE Prophylactic Management of SCD
Sailin-HbSTM has NO side effects on vital signs or physiological and biochemical variables. Its is 100% safe.
The raw materials used to prepare this medicine have been used since decades as per Ayurveda and Sidha. The Curcuma Longa L. (Turmeric) is a natural antibiotic as mentioned in Ayurveda.
The Bioassay testing protocol performed in the Laboratories to check the anti-sickling effect on the sickled RBC’s showed 90% above anti sickling under the microscope.
And patients who administered Sailin-HbS have experiences and significant reduction in the episodes of SCD associated crisis and severe pain. This preparation does not produce any acute toxicity to the Liver and Kidney.
Sailin-HbSTM has been found to be a very safe and no risk drug, eliminating the requirement of an Antidote.